Welcome to the second edition of Bedrock for 2024.
Read about the IEU’s new Unite for Change campaign to fight for pay rises for teachers and educators in NSW community preschools.
If you’ve ever been tempted to turn your phone off when you clock off, you’ll want to know how the new ‘right to disconnect’ reforms will impact your sector.
Learn how nature play supports teachers too with a preschool program in the Blue Mountains taking children to explore the bush.
Meet IEU member Paul Collins, who tells us about being one of few male early childhood teachers, and how the sector can attract more men.
This edition is packed with more great reads on topics including new legal developments on gender pay equity plus how screen times shapes language development.
We encourage you to share this email with your colleagues and invite them to join the IEU. We are always stronger together.
Carol Matthews, Secretary
You can read the full edition or browse a selection of highlights:
- Unite for Change: Pay rise for community preschools
- Why going bush is good for teachers too
- Barriers to entry: Encouraging more men into ECEC
- Meet IEU member and early childhood teacher Paul Collins
- Right to disconnect: What the reforms mean
Bedrock is the early childhood magazine of the IEUA NSW/ACT Branch.
Visit the Bedrock archive to read past editions.