News Extra: AIS NSW Support Staff rates too low in Independent Schools

Read the latest NewsExtra bargaining update about pay rates for support staff and non-teaching professional staff in NSW Independent schools.

We have previously provided our members with a detailed comparison of the teacher pay rates in independent schools with those applying to other sectors (see our website).

However, the support staff pay rates are also too low. Please bring this to the attention of support staff colleagues in your school who may not be union members and encourage them to join the union. Click here. If our campaign to improve pay and conditions for all staff is to be successful, we need maximum support from all members.

The first bargaining meeting between the IEU and the Association of Independent Schools has been scheduled for 27 March 2024, concerning both teachers and support staff. The IEU will be consulting with members in coming weeks to develop our claim. Please contact your IEU Organiser to arrange a visit.