Newsmonth August 2023

Welcome to the August issue of Newsmonth. In this issue, we call on State Premier Chris Minns to ‘Take Teacher Pay Seriously’. Any pay improvements for government school teachers will ultimately filter down to all teachers, Catholic and independent. In the ACT, decent pay rises have been agreed for teachers, but NSW still lags.

Following the Matildas’ heroic efforts at the Women’s World Cup, we interview former international and now head of the Professional Footballers’ Association Kate Gill about how collective bargaining has changed women’s sport.

Find out what Kerry O’Brien and Thomas Mayo had to say in the IEU’s webinar about the Voice to Parliament.

Finally, we provide further tips on how to cut down on NESA paperwork.

Read these stories and more in this issue of Newsmonth. We encourage you to share this email with your colleagues and invite them to join the IEU.

Mark Northam, Secretary 

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