How your union works: IEU Council

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has commenced the process for the 2024 election of delegates to IEU NSW/ACT Branch Council. Nominations open from Wednesday 27 March 2024 for a four-week period, and close at 4pm on Wednesday 24 April (all details below)

Council is the governing body of the NSW/ACT Branch of the Independent Education Union of Australia. It brings together up to 115 delegates from our 20 sub branches and 22 elected members of IEU Executive. IEU officers also attend Council but do not have voting rights.

The IEU is made up of chapters that meet at the school level. Reps and chapter committees are elected at each workplace by members of the chapter.

Reps and active members are encouraged to attend their local sub branch meeting. These sub branches meet once per term to exchange information and ideas with their fellow members and with union officers. There are 19 geographical sub branches and the Principals’ sub branch (see: Sub branch reports, pp16-17).

Each sub branch is entitled to elect delegates to Council. The number of delegates is determined by the size of the sub branch. Most sub branches are entitled to elect six delegates to Council; and each sub branch is entitled to elect at least four delegates. Elections are held every two years.

If there are more candidates than the required number of delegates, elections are conducted through a postal ballot of all members in their sub branch. Elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).

Council meets four times a year in Sydney, on a Saturday, with an AGM in October, at which the IEU’s Annual Report is presented. Council meetings are an opportunity for delegates and union officials to exchange information and ideas and to consider and decide the business of the Branch in the interests of members.

Attending chapter and sub branch meetings and becoming a Council delegate are great ways to get more involved in the IEU’s mission to advance the professional and industrial interests of teachers and support staff.